A Sanctuary Like No Other.
A Sense of Serenity & Spiritual Contemplation,
Harmoniously Embedded in the Surrounding Environment
The blueprint for the Sanctuary had been floating vividly in my mind before I shared it with others:
a spiritual space for the Sangha — our fellow monks and nuns — and the Buddhist community at large. It was inevitable that, at some point in time, the Society must summon its courage and strength to move beyond its existing sphere of endeavors.
Together with a meditation hall, teaching venues, lodgings, monastery and nunnery, there is also a unique opportunity to “walk in the path of the Buddha” for Dhamma practitioners unable to embark on the pilgrimage to the Mahabodhi Temple (Great Awakening Temple) in Bihar, India.
At the Ti-Ratana Sanctuary Bentong, aspiring pilgrims will experience
the four major holy sites associated with the life ofthe Lord Buddha:
Lumbini, His place of birth
Bodh Gaya, His seat of enlightenment
Sarnath, where He preached His first sermon
Kushinagar, parinibbana or nirvana-after-death
I believe retracing the Lord Buddha’s sacred journey will inspire people to follow in his footsteps; to live with a fearless heart and act in compassion.
The Sanctuary — presently in construction on a 23 acre site in the rolling hills of Bentong town — marks another milestone of the Ti-Ratana Group's mission of building a happy and healthy society. But the road to laying the last brick is still far off.
Here, I wish to humbly appeal for your generous support and contributions to complete our Sanctuary.
In less than 12 months since the world was striken by Covid-19, the devastating long-term effects are to everyone's mental and spiritual health. Now, more than ever, we must answer the call to build a positive, tranquil and safe Sanctuary for a balanced society.
Today, there are calls for the Sangha to expand their traditional roles beyond the confines of the temple and monastery. I firmly believe the Sangha must evolve with the times and play a role in activities and services that are not normally and necessarily seen as religious in nature.
This was, and still is, the premise for the founding of the Ti-Ratana Welfare Society and its six community centres, Seniors’ Sanctuary, Orphanage, and countless volunteer programmes — a charity to shelter, educate and sustain the well-being of all who are in need.
The Sanctuary is an exemplary continuation of this journey.
I look forward and will cherish the day the Ti-Ratana Sanctuary Bentong opens its doors to welcome her first group of guests.
May you be well and happy.
Why Ti-Ratana Sanctuary Bentong
The Sanctuary shall have programmes to train and develop competent Dhamma teachers to spread the teachings of the Lord Buddha.
It will have facilities to hold religious and social activities that promotes Buddhist values, namely loving kindness, compassion, tolerance and understanding.
The peaceful serenity of the Sanctuary provide an excellent retreat for mindful meditation; for those seeking rejuvenation of the mind, body and soul.
It shall also provide a Sanctuary for animals, and show humankind the joy of caring for all living beings.